Exploring the Inventories in the Georgian Papers: A virtual exhibition by Holly Day

Holly Day is a PhD student in the department of History at the University of York funded by the White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities, and an affiliate of the Centre for Eighteenth-Century Studies there. Her project considers the development of the pocket memorandum book in Georgian Britain, both as a print product and form of life-writing, with a thesis entitled 'Memorandum Books, Markets, and Identities, 1748-c.1850'. 

George III: the Eighteenth Century’s Most Prominent Mental Health Patient

George III’s mental illness, the efforts of his family, court, and doctors to manage and treat it, and historians and others’ subsequent efforts to understand his ailment in light of modern diagnostic criteria shed important light not only the eighteenth-century, but every subsequent era as it confronts ‘the madness of George III’.

Women and History: Power, Politics and Historical Thinking in Queen Charlotte’s Court

Through a broad and rich selection of documents and material artefacts, this exhibit expands what we already know about Queen Charlotte’s court circle — a collection of accomplished, intellectually curious, and literary women — by revealing how together they explored, understood, and used history to advance their own positions and define their own identities.

The Essays of George III

The collection known as ‘The Essays of George III’ (RA GEO/ADD/32) comprises 8,500 pages of prose pieces, fragments, duplicates and notes. Largely undated, of unknown origin and purpose, often incomplete or with pages missing, the ‘Essays’ are a fascinating body of work, albeit one that is determined to hang on to its secrets!

The Madness of George III Explored

In this virtual exhibition we have reproduced the documents which Mark Gatiss explored so that they can be shared with playgoers and those who have the opportunity to see the NT-Live broadcast of the production — and indeed with anyone interested in an introduction to its themes as exemplified in the remarkable archive that constitutes the Georgian Papers

Hamilton and the GPP

In this exhibition created for Michael Jibson, we linked Hamilton’s and the programme’s perspectives by organising the exhibits around the themes highlighted in the three songs he/George sings in the show: ‘You’ll be back!’, ‘What comes next?’ and ‘I know him’, as well as the one crucial line which features in all three songs which speaks to our wider perspective: ‘Oceans rise, Empires Fall’.