Discover the Archives

Asian State letters now available on the Georgian Papers online

By Julie Crocker, senior archivist, Royal Archives                       A recent addition to Georgian Papers Online are the Asian State Letters held in the Royal Archives (reference GEO/ADD/31/1-22). This collection of letters and wrappers, mostly to George III and George IV from rulers of countries including… Read More »

Foul Play in the House of Commons: The Murder of Spencer Perceval

By Sarah Donovan, William & Mary Welcome back to our Georgian Goodies blog series, where we highlight interesting, timely, or just plain nifty documents from the Georgian Papers Programme! In 1812, Prince Regent George drafted a public statement commenting on “the severe Loss His Royal Highness and the Country have sustained in consequence of the… Read More »

Dragons in the Dressing Room: St. George and Female Morality

By Sarah Donovan, William & Mary Welcome back to our Georgian Goodies blog series, where we highlight interesting, timely, or just plain nifty documents from the Georgian Papers Programme! In the opening years of the nineteenth century, the ceiling of the Queen’s dressing room in Windsor Castle depicted the trials and tribulations of St. George… Read More »

Dancing with the (Georgian) Royal Family

By Hillary Burlock  (GPP BSECS fellow and doctoral student at Queen Mary University of London) When I first went to the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle, I was on the hunt for references to Philip Denoyer, dancing master to George III’s family. While I was able to find some information in the accounts of George… Read More »

Multiple identities in the Georgian period

Samantha Callaghan, Metadata Analyst, King’s Digital Laboratory To support collaborative work on the Georgian Papers, a Collaborative Workspace for the Programme is currently under development by King’s Digital Lab. The Workspace aggregates images, catalogue records and transcriptions and offers additional ways to augment the metadata provided by the Royal Archives. Augmentation is achieved through subject… Read More »

New material published on Georgian Papers Online

The latest tranche of Georgian Papers has been published by the Royal Archives as part of the Georgian Papers Programme to digitise, publish, interpret and foster use of this neglected collection of historic papers. The latest batch of nearly 19,000 pages includes important collections which shed light on the lives of Princess Charlotte (1796-1817) and… Read More »

Lord Erskine’s Lemons: A Poem on Van Dyck’s Margaret Lemon in Princess Charlotte’s Poetry Book       

By Dr Jonathan Taylor, BSECS GPP fellow 2020.      The Georgian Papers Programme has made available a digitized copy of a commonplace book of poetry that belonged to Princess Charlotte (1796-1817): GEO/ADD/22/95. Alongside numerous quotations from famous works, including Sir Walter Scott’s Marmion (1808) and The Lady of the Lake (1810), Charlotte transcribed a… Read More »

The Language of the Seas: Signal Flags in the British Navy

By Sarah Donovan, Omohundro Institute Apprentice, William & Mary Welcome back to our Georgian Goodies blog series, where we highlight interesting, timely, or just plain nifty documents from the Georgian Papers Programme! How did flags help William IV communicate on the open seas? By 1806, William, then the Duke of Clarence, had invested in his… Read More »

Transcribe the Medical Papers of George III

Diagram of Timmermans' device

In coordination with Georgian Papers Programme London event Mental Health and the Georgian World,  the GPP transcription site, Transcribe Georgian Papers released three George III medical collections to transcribers. In this post we highlight the three collections, and provide transcription tips – George III medical papers George III’s medical papers primarily cover the Regency era,… Read More »