King’s is delighted to be partnering with The Sons of the American Revolution to launch a new Visiting Professorship post in 2016.
Invitations are invited for expressions of interest for the positions of Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Visiting Professorship at King’s College London for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018
In furtherance of the goals of Georgian Papers Programme regarding the digitisation of the complete archive for the long eighteenth century, their interpretation and dissemination, King’s College London invites expressions of interest to join the academic staff of the university and to contribute to the interpretation of the archive.
One Visiting Professorship will be awarded annually for each of the academic years 2016, 2017 and 2018 (and subject to the review of the programme by SAR possibly also 2019 and 2020.) King’s College London welcomes expressions of interest from academics of international standing drawn from any relevant discipline.
- SAR Visiting Professors will have direct, regular access to the Georgian Archives at Windsor Castle and individual workspace at King’s College London. This will includes access to College libraries and those of the University of London as well as the British Library and The National Archives at Kew.
- Each professorship will be expected to make a significant contribution to increased public understanding and appreciation – both in the USA and UK –of the decades surrounding the American Revolution and in so doing contribute to academic discourse within the university.
- Visiting Professors will work on their own research and will be invited to lead an academic seminar or series of seminars on the interpretation of the archive in relation to their own work. They will also be available to staff of the Georgian Papers Programme for consultation about interpretation and dissemination.
- Professors will be required to prepare a paper relating to their area of study and use of the Royal Archives and offer the paper to the SAR for publication. They will also be asked to speak about their work in relation the King’s College London and the Royal Archives at SAR events.
Professorships are expected to be of eight week duration but subject to faculty discussion may be spread across more than one term. Funding directly available to professors includes £15,500 to cover a return flight to the US, hotel accommodation and subsistence and books. Funding up to £4,000 has been allocated to support UK travel and administrative support. The university will also host a major public lecture and hospitality for up to 200 guests.
King’s is delighted to be working with The Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) and grateful for their support which will enable us to attract leading international academics to join the work of Georgian Paper Programme. The SAR is an historical, educational, and patriotic, non-profit corporation whose members are direct descendants of the men and women who supported the cause of American Independence during the years 1774-1783. The SAR’s headquarters is in Louisville, Kentucky, but its members are located in all fifty United States and throughout the world.
Applicants should forward their curriculum vitae and a letter of expression of interest to