Natalee Garrett awarded 2022 BSECS King’s College London GPP fellowship

We are delighted to announce the award of the 2022 British Society of Eighteenth Century Studies / King’s College London Georgian Papers Fellowship to Dr Natalee Garrett. Dr Garrett will be familiar to many from her presentations at recent BSECS conferences, and for her article published in the January 2022 issue of the Journal for… Read More »

The impact of the Georgian Papers Programme on scholarly research

Over the past few years the impact of the Georgian Papers Programme on scholarly research has become increasingly evident in the publication of research by fellows and project members and also in work by those outside the programme making use of its freely available resources. A new page on the GPP website gathers together an… Read More »

Global Georgians: Transnational Interactions with the British Monarchy

On 8 June 2021, the Georgian Papers Programme (GPP) hosted a roundtable discussion about transnational interactions between the British monarchy and leader and peoples from around the globe. This event built on David Armitage’s time as the 2019 Sons of the American Revolution Visiting Professor at King’s College London. During his time with the GPP,… Read More »

Foul Play in the House of Commons: The Murder of Spencer Perceval

By Sarah Donovan, William & Mary Welcome back to our Georgian Goodies blog series, where we highlight interesting, timely, or just plain nifty documents from the Georgian Papers Programme! In 1812, Prince Regent George drafted a public statement commenting on “the severe Loss His Royal Highness and the Country have sustained in consequence of the… Read More »

Dragons in the Dressing Room: St. George and Female Morality

By Sarah Donovan, William & Mary Welcome back to our Georgian Goodies blog series, where we highlight interesting, timely, or just plain nifty documents from the Georgian Papers Programme! In the opening years of the nineteenth century, the ceiling of the Queen’s dressing room in Windsor Castle depicted the trials and tribulations of St. George… Read More »

An interview with Jeremy Black, author of George III: Majesty and Madness (Allen Lane, 2020)

                      This is the first of what we hope will be a series of online conversations in which scholars who have made use of the Georgian Papers in their publications talk about these works with members of the GPP team. We begin with Jeremy Black, formerly professor of history at the University of Exeter, who… Read More »

Hanoverian Flavours on the King’s Table in the Long Eighteenth Century – Adam Crymble and Sarah Fox

On 13 January 2021, Dr Adam Crymble (UCL) and Dr Sarah Fox (Leeds Beckett University), in collaboration with Dr Rachel Rich and Dr Lisa Smith, gave the paper ‘Hanoverian Flavours on the King’s Table in the Long Eighteenth Century’ as part of the Institute of Historical Research British History in the Long 18th Century Seminar… Read More »